4 lifelines that help deal with social media brand damage and cyber bullying

How social media policies and guidelines need to be part of your workplace culture in order to prevent brand damaaging and cyber bullying

8 tips for better cross-collaboration I bet you haven’t implemented yet

Workplace cross-collaboration tips and advice that are out of the box.

More peacemakers, fewer pacemakers: how to kill bullying at school and work

By Barbara du Preez-Ulmi. 20 January, 2017 – Childline KZN South Africa reports an increase of bullying at schools, with their operations manager Adeshini Naicker calling for stricter penalties against bullies. Are penalties really the best way to change a societal behaviour? How do we change a bully’s behaviour? How do we do it in…Read more More peacemakers, fewer pacemakers: how to kill bullying at school and work

Artificially induced empathy – if it helps, why not!

By Barbara du Preez-Ulmi. In line with the idea of “the new workplace”, core competencies such as the ability to show and apply empathy are more regularly requested of job applicants as well as employees.  Human capital trends show an increasing demand for emotional intelligence, integer social behaviour and empathy at the workplace.  One may…Read more Artificially induced empathy – if it helps, why not!

How to rule a workplace through values

A workplace governed by rules only creates more conflict, disputes and fear. Values however instill growth, participation and a sense of community. A company handbook that explains the core values is one way to cement a value-driven workplace.